Mushroom Spread/Dip

By Hilary Burgess


Note:  All wild mushrooms should be cooked thoroughly before eating

NEVER eat any mushroom you have not positively identified.  “When in doubt, throw it out”


1 package of cream cheese.  Neufchatel works if you’re using a lot of mushrooms.

½ head of fresh garlic – but dried sure works in a pinch.

2 cups fresh mushrooms or 1 cup dehydrated

Salt and pepper



If you’re using fresh garlic sauté it in olive oil.  I use 1/2 the cloves in a head of garlic because I love it and it really brings out the taste of the mushroom.  Set aside.

Cook fresh mushrooms in a little oil or butter to keep them from sticking in the beginning. They’ll lose their moisture quickly.  Do not sauté them until completely dry as you want the concentrated liquid.  Same if you’re rehydrating – add the garlic and let the liquid cook down.

Add salt and finely ground pepper while still cooking.

Nutmeg sounds like an odd ingredient but it has a strange way of reacting with mushrooms and enhancing their flavor.  Start with 1/2 teaspoon, it doesn’t take much.  When using intense mushrooms like Sarcodon imbricatum, more nutmeg helps mellow the flavor.  With Chanterelles only a pinch is needed.

Stir mixture into room temperature cheese.  This recipe can be modified with more mushrooms to make it like a paté, or less with more liquid to make it more of a dip.  Mushroom hunter’s choice!

I’m not a huge red meat eater but putting this mixture on top of a medium rare streak is just heaven and totally changes the steak.  Yum.

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