The power of the P-word

What is a pussy bow? VP-Elect Kamala Harris sported one under her white sufferage suit alongside Joe Biden when they accepted the nomination, the character of Margaret Thatcher in “The Crown” wears them, too. In the 80s, the bow tie was part of the uniform— along with sneakers (traded for heels at the office) for every “working girl.” All along it had a definition, a role in style; “A lavallière, also called a pussycat bow, is a style of neckwear often associated with women’s and girls’ blouses and bodices. It takes the form of a bow tied at the neck, similar to those sometimes tied around the necks of kittens and cats.”

How is the pussy bow at all considered feminist? We can’t even google it without a pornhub warning appearing… but the pussy bow has become a statement. Like the pussy hat. The pussy hat is not worn by innocent purring kittens romping around the dorm in their underwear, but rather is the statement created by thousands of participants involved with the Women’s March, protesting the inauguration of then President Trump.

“Pussy” was a derogatory slur, but the word is shifting to represent empowerment for women and girls. When Kamala wears a pussy bow, she is making a statement. She is power; the power of pussy.

“…when someone calls you weak, they associate it with a lack of testicles. Which is weird because testicles are the most sensitive things in the world. If you suddenly just grew a pair, you’d be a lot more vulnerable. If you want to be tough, you should lose a pair. If you want to be real tough, you should grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.” – Sheng Wang

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